Set yourself up for success.

Whether if you want to reach a big milestone or improve a little each day, we help you identify your core values, obtain your goals, and reach your true potential.

  • What is coaching?

    The essence of coaching is to heighten awareness and assist with unlocking one’s true potential in order to cultivate the success you desire; however, you measure success.

  • How do I get started?

    With a complimentary coaching session that is roughly 30-45 minutes long. The session will (1) help you determine what coaching can do, (2) help you figure out if coaching is for you, and (3) see if we are a good match.

  • How will I know when I've found the right Coach?

    You'll know! You're the expert in your life, and you know what makes you tick. You hold all the cards, as coaches, we're in your corner to help you with the game plan providing strategies, tools, and clarity to keep you motivated as you achieve your goals.

Ready to unlock your true potential?

Plans & Packages

  • 1:1 (Individual) Coaching

    1:1 (Individual) coaching focuses on personal and/or professional growth areas.

  • Speciality Coaching

    Expert coaching to support specific needs like diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), etc.

  • Group Coaching

    Sessions led by a coach to shift mindsets and behavior with the support of the group.

  • Relationship Coaching

    A goal-oriented approach to solving issues that helps people identify areas of opportunity and growth.

Client Love

“…I am so happy I have a coach who believes in me even when I don't believe in myself who pushes me and set up a boundary so I could stay on track but still have room to grow ... All in all it has been a lonngggg 1st quarter - it took so much sacrifice so much obedience but the reward was abundant beyond belief. I'm excited for the next quarter thanks coach!”

— Briana Brown, Multiplier c/o National Science Policy Network

“Working with Chantée was an awesome experience! She had a great balance of kindness/patience, while also not being afraid to call me out on my BS when necessary! Working with her has helped me face some long-time fears, and has substantially improved my daily productivity. Would definitely recommend her!”

— Adam Miller, CEO of Practical Peace